They met online. The matchmaking website ranked Denise as the #1 pick for Robert…. but on her end, the site ranked Robert at #11. It’s a good thing she took a chance on him, though, because things seem to have worked out well for both of themĀ :)
There’s something so incredibly special about having a small wedding. Robert and Denise were married on August 15th, 2015, in the backyard of her grandparent’s camp in Patten, Maine. Robert and his family are from Maryland, andĀ for many of them this was their first visit to Maine! Surrounded by their closest family and friends, theyĀ were blessed with a picturesqueĀ weekend (despite the forecasted thunderstorms!) and an absolutely beautiful wedding. Congratulations, Robert & Denise!
^ Gifts from the kids :)
^ Homemade jam for wedding favors!
^ Just a tiny bit adorable.
^ This should be required for all camp weddings.
^ First look with dad!
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