Kyle and Kari were married on August 20th, 2016, at the Penobscot Valley Country Club in Orono. These two did a ton of planning, and it made me so happy to see everything come together for their special day!
^ Look at all the sparkly things! Love all her details.
^ Kari’s younger sister was also her maid of honor (and makeup artist) <3
^ Love this gift for dad!
^ Gorgeous girls!
^ Could you ask for a more prefect day?!
^ Kari and her dad made lots of these wooden decor details together.
^ Almost time!
^ So much happiness
^ OFFICIALLY husband & wife!
^ Okay, this is a little silly, but it was my favorite detail of the day. Just before the ceremony, Kyle stole some red nail polish and painted a smily face on his ring finger. Kari saw it when she went to put on his ring and it made her laugh. Clearly he will do anything to see her smile <3
^ Dress goals. Belt goals. Bouquet goals.
^ All the kiddos had a ton of fun!
^ I wish I knew what was so funny here!
^ The end. Congratulations you two <3
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