^ I loved every single detail they put together. The colors, the florals, the vintage touches, everything. So pretty!
^ SNEAKERS! YES! This is smart. Future brides, take note!
^ This is easily one of my favorite shots of bridesmaids. Ever. This is when they saw Tarryn in her dress for the first time. Could their reactions BE any more perfect/sweet? <3
^ I had to ask my second shooter about this image. Apparently, the guys were so fancy-looking that these tourists asked to have pictures taken with them!! Too funny.
^ The adorable onlookers!
^ I’m obsessed with this image. So obsessed, in fact, that I’m having it printed up to hang in my studio :)
^ Don’t they look perfect together?!
The most picturesque day for a wedding!
^ Flower crowns. I love flower crowns.
A butterfly at the Butterfly Gardens?! Couldn’t resist.
Watching guests arrive! She thought they couldn’t see her. Until they all started waving. Oops!
Final touchups!
^ Anxious groom.
Although Eric had already seen Tarryn during their first look, there’s still nothing like the moment when a groom sees his bride walk down the aisle towards him!
In love with how the light hilights her dress and veil here :D
First portrait together as a married couple!
I just LOVE long veils! So gorgeous.
^ Ripped pants. That’s what happens when your jumping skills are too hardcore.
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